The Chevra Kadisha is a Jewish Burial Society which provides honorable Jewish burial preparation (Tahara) in accordance with Jewish Law & Tradition. This process respects the body of the deceased and elevates its soul.
In this lifetime
you have done much.
developed meaningful relationships
amassed knowledge
helped others
You’ve left your mark on the world.

In this lifetime
you have done much.
developed meaningful relationships
amassed knowledge
helped others
You’ve left your mark on the world.
“It was hard for my sister and I to decide, because she wanted to cremate and I wanted to bury mom. After we finally decided to bury, we both felt so much calmer and at peace with our decision. ”
“I was so grateful that my non-Jewish sister in law, who was married to my Jewish brother, decided to bury him as a Jew. He was born a Jew and had a bris and a bar mitzvah. So I am really glad he was buried as a Jew.”
“I am so glad I was able to convince my 104 year-old uncle to be buried instead of cremated, I know his soul is not suffering as a result.”
“Thank G-D my father was buried. He had wanted to be cremated but when we found out that really those wishes were made out of lack of understanding on his part, my whole family felt so much better.”